For same day bookings, you can book your trips from Naga to Manila via Partas Bus through our Biyahero Sidekick in Naga - Madya Biyahe Kita Travel and Tours!
MBK Ticketing office is just ten minutes away from Bicol Central Station!

Contact Details: 09062469706 | 09999988837 | (054) 873 0330
Ticketing Office: Unit #1, 2nd Floor, MMCN Building, Panganiban Drive Naga, Camarines Sur, PH 4400
Bus Features:
- No passenger pick-ups along the road
- Terminal to terminal rates apply
- GPS-monitored
- TV
- Air-conditioned
- Equipped with CR
- For people bringing pets, your pet needs to be booked a seat next to you, and this can only be allocated in the last three rows of the bus. More terms and conditions will apply.
Terminal Origin Address
Naga Terminal: CBD Terminal, Ninoy and Cory Ave., Brgy. Triangulo, Naga City, Camarines Sur